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Ferveur & Extase

Cavalli, A. Scarlatti, Monteverdi...

Cavalli, Rossi, A. Scarlatti, Faggioli, Falconieri, Strozzi, Marini, Monteverdi.

Stéphanie d'Oustrac - Amarillis dirigé par V. Cochard & H.

Gaillard.Didon's desperate love, Marie's poignant fervour... Facets of the Italian baroque – murmuring, tender, heartrending – entwined in master pages from Monteverdi to A. Scarlatti. This sumptuous, sensual album, combining iconic arias and premiere recordings, features Amarillis and the vocally distinctive, theatrically brilliant French mezzo Stéphanie d'Oustrac.

What the press says : 

"Mezzo-soprano Stéphanie d'Oustrac responds to the music's vacillating moods with a gorgeous variety of vocal effects and colours. Directed by recorder player Héloïse Gaillard, ensemble Amarillis responds with equally mercurial temperaments, from sublimely intimate to brazenly flamboyant. With its opulent recorded sound, this is another captivating disc from Ambronay Editions."
Kate Bolton, BBC Music Magazine, December 2011.

Released on the 
27th of October 2011

Price : 20€

Awards : ***** de Diapason - **** de Pizzicato - "Diamant" d'Opéra Magazine.

Last update Thursday 13 December 2018