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François Couperin

Les demoiselles de Saint-Cyr - Emmanuel Mandrin

Emmanuel Mandrin, orgue et direction
Dorothée Leclair, Juliette Perret, Eugénie Warnier solistes

Couperin le Grand's Leçons de Ténèbres - French baroque spiritual music at its most sumptuous and masterly - illumined through Michel Lambert's Miserere (première recording) and the Responsories of Marc-Antoine Charpentier. A performance close to what might have been heard in the early 18th century during a Holy Week promenade in a "house of religion".

With the support of SCPP, Caisse d'épargne Rhône-Alpes, Région Rhône-Alpes. In partnership with
France Musique.

What the press says :

"Leçons to be learnt: darkly devotional works illuminated in a liturgical context. [...] [This recording] has strongly evocative charms of its own." Lindsay Kemp, Gramophone Magazine, August 2009.

Released on the
9th of april 2009

Price : 20 €

Awards :

4_clsok_ logo_supersonic_pizzicato _diapason_dor_copie

Last update Thursday 13 December 2018