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Trésors oubliés du baroque allemand

Œuvres de Pisendel, Schaffrath, Reichenauer, Telemann, Brescianello, Dieupart

Radio Antiqua

Radio Antiqua met en lumière ces magnifiques sonates issues de trois collections allemandes majeures. Un trésor inestimable pour violon, basson ou flûte de Telemann, Pisendel, Reichenauer, Schaffrath, Brescianello et Dieupart revivifié avec brio.

Ensemble Radio Antiqua :
Lucia Giraudo violon
Isabel Favilla basson
Petr Hamouz violoncelle
Giulio Quirici luth & guitare baroque
Claudio Ribeiro clavecin

"Radio Antiqua are as pleasant and graceful as the music they serve. The combination of cello, harpsichord and theorbo on continuo is capable of shifting from delicacy to surprising power in the blink of an eye, but it is Isabel Favilla's bassoon that steals the show, particularly in the trio sonata by Christoph Schaffrath, whose contemporary renown one can begin to appreciate through performances like this one." Fabrice Fitch – Gramophone, January 2016.

Sortie : le 30 octobre 2015.

Last update Thursday 13 December 2018