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Call for eeemerging residencies 2016

Applications are now open !

eeemerging, european project promoting the emergence of young early music ensembles

8 co-organisers from all over Europe, along with 37 first rank partners in the field of early music, decided to join forces for an original and innovative project in the service of musicians and audience.

eeemerging aims at supporting and guiding young ensembles in the field of early music (from the Middle Ages to Romanticism) by providing optimum work conditions during a 3 years programme :

- time and space to rehearse during residencies, including accommodation
- specific training sessions
- support for professional insertion, including concerts presentation
- support for the structuring of the ensemble and for the organisation of tours
- promotion (recordings, disc, websites...)

The programme is aimed at ensembles less than three years old, formed of between two and fifteen musicians, all adults and with an average age of 32 or less.

All applications must be sent before July 1st 2015
Download the application below

Shorlisted ensembles will be auditionned in September 2015 in Versailles, Pavia and Prague.
Application forms must be sent by email with the registration form (please, ask for a acknowledgement of receipt) to : eva.gaillard@ambronay.org / +33 (0) 4 74 38 91 98

More on the eeemerging programme here

(*) Ambronay Cultural Encounter Centre, France - National University of Music, Bucharest, Romania - Göttingen International Handel Festival, Germany - Ars Ramovš, Ljubljana, Slovenia - Ghislieri Musica, Pavia, Italy - Riga Early Music Centre, Latvia - Ozango, Strasbourg, France - National Centre for Early Music, York, UK

Last update Thursday 02 July 2015
©B.Pichene-CCR Ambronay©B.Pichene-CCR Ambronay